Saturday, December 18, 2010

Officially on Vacation!

Steve wants me to share more about the doctor so here are some of the interesting and fun things we went through that day. We entered Emergency (other places are closed by Friday afternoon) and gave them my insurance card. Seeing my name as Amy Lea they all went on to call me Amaylia the whole time. Then we went through a door that said Do Not Enter. Don't worry, everyone else was entering too. I went to a desk and they sent me over to the doctor to meet her. Then a nurse took me to one of the many beds-behind-curtains in the room. It reminded us of an army hospital in MASH. You could hear everyone else; thankfully we couldn't hear anyone in too much pain... Pretty much every patient we saw had an IV in.

After the doctora talked to me and checked me over they sent me upstairs in a wheel chair. I knew some kind of test was going to be done to check out my stomach since I mentioned it had been bothering me. She had already concluded that she thought it was sensitivity to the food but I guess they wanted to check. The test turned out to be an ultrasound. They sent me home with lovely labeled pictures of all my dear little inner organs. Then they took me back down in the wheel chair.

Another doctora looked me over. She concluded that the little growing cluster of red bumps on my elbow were not mosquito bites as everyone else assured me but rather a virus. Then a nurse put an iv and some medicine for protecting the stomach into one hand, while another extracted blood from my other arm! When that was finished I finally got to go home- with a prescription for more medicine to protect my sensitive stomach and a cream for my elbow and a list of seven other tests they still wanted to do to make sure my stomach was okay! Needless to say I did not go back for the tests and am still alive and well.

This week at school we had the last three tests Mon- Wed and then the Christmas party for the kids. It was organized by the high school to raise money for their Prom. Then the next day there was the one and only Christmas practice that the school did together and that night was the program. Yesterday were conferences and Kathy and Paul come today! (Since they missed a flight and didn't get here yesterday...) We'll tell more about all these things as we find time. Enjoy your Christmas preparations!


  1. How's everything going with your visitors?

  2. You forgot to mention how after the ultrasound, they did not provide you with a manner of cleaning that fun goopy stuff off. I think that would have been my biggest complaint. I MISS YOU!!!!!
    P.S.- my word verification was BON!!!!

  3. Happy New Year to the both of you!!!! Not too long a wait now! :<)
    Love Ya,
    Uncle Bob & Aunt Carol

  4. Hey......I keep looking for posts from you!!! How can I keep up with what is going on? I may not write BUT I do miss seeing your posts and seeing what adventures you two are having! I hope you can catch us all up soon.
    Uncle Bob & Aunt Carol

  5. If you make it a month before posting another entry, I will have 7 days to prevent this.

  6. We are ALL still waiiiiittttttiiiiiinnnnnggg!!!!!
    We Miss your posts!!!
    LOve Ya,
    Uncle Bob
