Sorry for the leave of absence, Amy really wanted to write a post about the rest of the house (including the new piano) but that would require taking pictures of the house, which would require cleaning the house, which is way too many steps for us, so it hasn't happened. We did manage to clean the house last week, but then we had a friend over all weekend, so blogging didn't happen. But hopefully we will have time for all of that today! We have a Saturday with nothing scheduled, so look out Blogger, here comes some postin'!
I have a few items of news to share.
First, Amy and I have had a full week of adjustment from our local Blaire technician. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you haven't heard that the Blaire technique is what saved my mother. She suddenly developed inexplicable symptoms including weakness, fatigue, and "spells" where she couldn't do anything at all. After having every medical test under the sun at the famous Mayo Clinic in Rochester, and being consistently told she had nothing wrong, she turned to alternative treatments. She found out about the Blaire technique, a special chiropractic method that only gives attention to the top vertebrae of the spine. If those are in alignment, the brain communicates effectively with the rest of the body, and the body heals itself of almost anything that is wrong with it. My mom got adjusted and has seen remarkable results.
Amy and I found a chiropractor that practices the Blaire technique in Phoenix. Amy's developed some symptoms of fatigue, headaches, and digestive problems (maybe acid or something like that) that we didn't know what to do about. Urgent Care recommended an ultrasound to check out her gall bladder, but the ultrasound showed no problems with her gall bladder, or any of her abdominal organs. So we turned to Dr. Tony. We got adjusted last week and we think we are seeing results. My neck looked pretty good in the x-ray. My spine had a nice curve, but the top vertebrae were a little unbalanced. Amy's neck was not so good. She looked like the picture on the wall, a perfectly straight neck with the top vertebrae well out of place. We noticed increased energy the week following the adjustment, and Amy's stomach was doing much better. Thursday was a bad day. Amy had all of the bad stomach pain back again. We went in for our third check-up that week, and lo and behold, Amy was out of alignment. Dr. Tony popped her back into place, and the past 2 days of been great again! We're hoping this treatment will also help her with her arch problems and carpal tunnel in the future. Praise God for making us such wonderful bodies that are so efficient at healing themselves!
I'm sure many of you are also wondering about my classroom. I'm am starting to feel like a real teacher, where I can plan ahead and have well-thought-out lessons. My classroom is starting to run well, and the students are responding really well to me. I've heard from multiple parents how much their children love my class, so I must be doing something right, even though I don't always feel that way. I am very excited that I am getting a new 2nd grader on Monday. He was attending a charter school and was having a miserable time there that was affecting his attitudes and behaviors. His mom is beside her self, and came to look at our school. He shadowed in our classroom one day (basically he got to try it out for a day) and loved it. We are very excited about this family since they are unchurched but hungry for the Word. Amy also got phone call just yesterday from a father looking for a school for his 1st grade daughter. So maybe I'll be moving up to a class of 16!
Thanks for your patience in waiting for this update. I'm going to see if I can get Amy to put something up about the house/piano later today... like I said, we first need to clean the house, so maybe not today, but hopefully sometime this weekend.