Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Thank You For Your Concern

I am so thankful and appreciative of all of the concern you showed after the post entitled "Survey Says."  It means a lot to know that there are so many people out there who care so much.  It's important for us when we are so far away to be able to feel all of your love.

First of all, let me say that my finger is doing much better.

It is only in a Band-Aid now, not the scary-looking gauze you saw in the post.

For those insensitive or unobservant readers who didn't ask me about the injury, I'll explain what happened.  Let me begin by saying thank you to Patty for the wonderful knife. Just a little gravity is all it takes to make a beautiful cut.  Don't worry, I just dropped it while I was washing it and it cut my knuckle.  It wasn't that bad, even though it made a bit of a mess (a bit of a squirter).  We quickly realized that we had no first aid materials anywhere in our house, so a night-time Walgreens run was in order.  I hope we didn't worry the cashier too much as Amy bought a first aid kit while I clutched a paper towel around my finger.  We got home and gauzed it and wrapped it in tape to keep me from bending my finger and reopening the cut.  Piano playing was a bit hampered, but I just needed to find creative ways around what I wanted to do.  It's doing great now, no infections, and I'm trying to bend it a little more.  I should be fully healed and digitally mobile soon.


  1. Just to clear things up about my insensitivity.... I did notice, I just figured you never do anything to dangerous, so I wasn't very concerned. I had obviously forgot about the "Patty knife" We have our own stories.....
    Hope the delivery goes without a hitch! Love you both!

  2. OK, I didn't even notice. But I figure if it was bad enough I would have heard about it. I love ya even though I didn't notice:)
