One week of school down. Don't remind me that it was only actually a three day week... I am so completely worn out by the end of each day- not to mention by the end of the week!
My students are adorable! Out of a list of 18 I only had five visit on the open house day, 8 in class on Wednesday, and 9 the next two days. We will see how many more show up next week. I wouldn't mind if more didn't... I LOVE my students already. There are 7 boys and 2 girls. They know VERY little English. They understand a little bit and speak even less. I have a target language classroom- meaning I only speak in English. It's crazy. The kids mostly just stare at me blankly and then keep doing whatever it is they are doing. I am getting really good at a happy voice and an angry voice so they can judge from my tone if their behavior is acceptable or needs a change.
They ask me questions in Spanish all the time. I have to ask them, "Can you tell me in English?" Their response is either, "I don't know in English" (which is often followed by a frustrated little head flopping into their hands) or they think for a minute before walking away or trying again in Spanish. They know "I want" as in "I want water," "I want food," or "I want bathroom" (sometimes they get the "to go to" part). One little girl always refers to the other as "he." It is quite funny really. They are so cute and genuine but little stinkers too (just as 1st graders tend to be). The best part is knowing that they will learn so fast!
Then last night it was finally time to party! As I was getting ready to leave Steve stopped in to my room to tell me that there was a party happening right away- at MY apartment. Funny how I was the last to know, but my room is kind of secluded. A whole bunch of the teachers came for conversation, spaghetti, drinks, dancing, etc. Our apartment is really big (7 people lived here one year) so all the teachers who could make it and some of their kids all fit just fine. It was so much fun to spend time with the other teachers outside of school!
Today I hardcore cleaned the kitchen! When I get in the right mood, I really love cleaning. And this morning I was in the right mood. It was my turn to clean the kitchen, which really needed it long before last nights party. I scrubbed the counters, cupboards, sink, microwave, and THE STOVE. They were pretty gross, but are pretty decent now, if I do say so myself. That really took most of the day. Then Steve and I worked on some wedding details for a bit before Steve, Andrew, and I headed out for Nacional, the big supermarket.
We took an "A" concho there and first exchanged some money. By then I was starting to feel kind of funny in the stomach. While we were shopping the stomach issue got worse very quickly, to the point where I had to actually sit down twice on the floor in the middle of the aisle because the pain made me so dizzy. It felt like a knife in the stomach. It was just a spell of indigestion so it passed reasonably quickly, but that was the worst I've ever had it. I am not sure what I ate to cause that so I hope it doesn't happen again.
Right now I am waiting for the boys to get to my place. They wanted to put their purchases away before coming here. They are also picking up some yaroa. The "y" here is pronounced like a "j". Steve told about yaroa in his post called "Too tired to write." That time we had it with french fries. Today we are going to try it with plantains instead.
Tomorrow we are meeting Keith, an MLC alumni who is here for the fifth year now, to go to the WELS church in Mocha. We are SO excited. One of us will certainly write about that experience tomorrow.
Also, if any of you have questions about anything, feel free to write them in a comment and we'll write an answer in the next blog!
So happy to hear from you. The mom in me makes me start to worry. Sounds like you will have a great time with the little ones. The girls just got back from Kristina's wedding, they had a great time. Grandpa was a dancing machine, I've been told. He had the dance floor cleared at one point, twirling Calista!!! I can't wait to hear about church, I am so glad you are going. Love to both of you
ReplyDeleteI love reading your posts!!! :) Your kids sound adorable. I can totally picture the situation. I'm so excited to hear more about your teaching! Love u!
ReplyDeleteI just love little kids. I am constantly amazed by how much they learn simply by listening to those around them. Of course that means you have to be careful what you teach them, but it's just so much fun! ;) I hope things get better for them very soon.
ReplyDeleteTake one day at a time and live like the French- know when to work and when to party!! Don't overdue :)
ReplyDeleteI love you