Friday, August 13, 2010

Too Much Rain!

This morning upon entering my classroom I found a lake. They say the water came in through a crack on the ceiling. I don't know... It was a LOT of water. So I got to spend the first 15 minutes or so sweeping water into the bathroom which is attached to my classroom. There is a drain in there but the funny part is that the ground does not slope downward to the drain... Thankfully a custodian came to the rescue and I got to do some more planning.

We had to have everything ready today for school on Tuesday. Monday is a holiday and Tuesday is open house. Wednesday we start classes. Steven and I were at school till 4:30 today trying to make sure everything was just right and ready for the kids. I think I will never be as ready as I could be but at some point you just have to say "good enough." My classroom is pretty fun though I think, if I do say so myself:) We will bring cameras on Tuesday so we can share pictures.

I am at the guys apartment right now since it is raining once again. Steve and I won't be getting to the store again today. Tomorrow we will have to find some time during the day to get shopping. Food is starting to become a bit scarce, especially in my cupboard... Andrew braved the storm yesterday to get the guys a few things. On the upside we are staying nice and cool- 75 degrees right now!

I'm looking forward to this long weekend- and to hearing from you. I love reading your comments. It always makes home feel just a little bit closer:)

1 comment:

  1. I'm also beginning to feel the rain thing too. I didn't know it rained so hard down here! It's rained everyday this week and when it rains there is bound to be some car alarm sounding, power-outaging thunder and lightning as well.
