Sunday, September 19, 2010

If I could call your attention to.....

While I know you all noticed during your hourly blog check-up that right now in Santiago we are experiencing a beautiful 73 degrees, I think it is important to point out what the casual observer might not have perceived. Not only is the temperature 73, but is also FEELS like 73. If it weren't for the bugs, I wouldn't sleep with my fan on tonight.


  1. We're going to the North Shore tomorrow, not even stopping in Duluth, just going right up to 50 degree weather. I'll be thinking of you. I did notice that your humidity is 100%!

  2. Steve, I love your stories. Especially the yelling one; I would have paid to see that.

    Anyway, I couldn't help but notice you're being kind of a blog-hog. Share some space for Amy...geez....

    I hope you know this is jesting; as my words are usually dripping with sarcasm. I would try to do some of the money-saving things but I would need a screwdriver for most of those tasks. Even for eating rice... :)
