Saturday, September 18, 2010


So it's the weekend!

And on Friday a bunch of the teachers went out dancin'. There was quite a large group of us, and it was not that big of a club, so we found this little section toward the back that had some chairs and tables. We had just settled down with our drinks to have a member of the staff come over and inform us that section is only available by reservation and had already been booked for the night. So we forced our way onto the already overcrowded "dance floor." It's in quotes because there really wasn't a separate dance floor. Just a big room with tables and people standing, drinking, dancing, or all of the above. And people just kept coming in. And they kept setting up tables! In the middle of where we were dancing! I ended up with a table in my back on multiple occasions. I would try subtly scooting the table over a foot, but they always moved it back. So by the end of the night, there was hardly any room to dance. Amy and I spent more time hugging to take up less space than actually dancing. And the music was SOOOOO LOOOOOOUD! Which I guess is typical for clubs down here, but this one was particularly bad. We walked out of the club, and none of us could hear. We woke up this morning, and it still hasn't worn off. We all feel like there's big jars over our heads.

But it was a lot of fun. The music was really good, as was the company and the food. After leaving the club, we were hungry and stopped at this stand that sells cachapas. It's like a pancake made of cornbread filled with meat, onions, and seasonings. Delicious. Amy and I really want to learn how to make them.

Tonight is a low key night. We need to go grocery shopping and then we're coming home for dinner and a game night. Should be fun. I hope everyone is having a nice relaxing weekend! Thanks for all of the comments and emails. We love hearing from you all.


  1. I can't wait for you to come home and fix some of this food for us!!

  2. Sounds like you had a good time! Although I would have to say be careful not to lose your hearing ;)
    Miss you both and I hope teaching is going as well as the weekends seem to be.

  3. "I would try subtly scooting the table over a foot, but they always moved it back."
    Steve, I love you. hahahahah....
    p.s.-- good thing PDA is more than accepted in the DR, hugging all night was nothing!
