Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Santo Domingo

Back in January, over a long weekend, Amy and I made the first of hopefully many trips to visit the country's capital. Our visit was to the colonial zone, where we saw many historical landmarks and monuments. For those of you rusty on your American history, the Dominican Republic is where Columbus landed. So it is a very historically rich country. Santo Domingo was the first city in the New World. We saw a lot of firsts in the colonial zone: the first street, the first cathedral, the first hospital, the first lighthouse, even the first sundial in the New World. We learned all of this from a tour guide who did not ask us if we wanted a tour, did not mention how much it would cost, but walked us around a small church, down the street, and then asked for 800 pesos. HA!!!!! 800 pesos is what I pay for my monthly gym membership. We told him we didn't have that much. I fished around in my pocket and gave him 90 pesos. He didn't protest.

I've uploaded a few pictures. Some include the trip to Santo Domingo. Enjoy!


  1. How far is Santo Domingo from Santiago - or how long does it take you to get there?

  2. Um, I think it was about a two hour bus ride. maybe two and a half. It's on the southern coast.
