Monday, April 11, 2011

The Present

Anyway, back to the present.

This weekend was WONDERFUL! Andrew and I invited teachers over to our place after school on Friday. It was exactly what we all needed after a week as tough as last week. We sat around our living room and had some beer and talked about movies, Spanish/English, and not school. Perfect afternoon.

Saturday was also glorious. We went to the beach. Yesssssss. It was a perfect beach day, too. We barely made it, though, since when we got to the bus station in Santiago, it was already sold out! Thankfully, when the bus got there, late, it had 5 seats open. Whew. We had the same problem on the return trip, too. Got to the bus station a half hour early, and all of the tickets were already sold! We had to wait around for another hour before we could go home. But it was okay, because we hit up an empanada stand once we were back. Light, flaky, deep-fried goodness!

Sunday was particularly enjoyable. Church was pleasant as usual, but after church, we(Andrew, Beth, Amy and I) found ourselves in a conversation with Pastor Alex. This conversation progressed into a form of marriage/relationship counseling, evolved into a discussion about language, which obviously led to talk about food. This could only end in one way: a dinner invitation. So we all stayed while they "made some quick Dominican food" for us. This "quick" meal involved a trip by Andrew and Pastor on a moto to 3 different markets, the girls learning how to make chicken and moro, a sit on the patio in some rocking chairs, merengue lessons, and finally a meal with Pastor Alex and his family. It is wonderful for church to be such an oasis from all of the troubles and difficulties at school. We look forward to it and relish it every week.

And today, the beginning of another week, the last week of school before Easter/Spring Break! At long last!(it is the first break we've had since January)

Also, I am presently uploading some new pics to the Flickr stream, to fill in some of the gaps from the past few months. Enjoy!


  1. I am so excited about your weekend, it sounded wonderful. Go to the beach as much as possible here on out, you are going to miss it, I am jealous reading about it. However, I heard from a very respected weather reporter that we should be in the 70s today.
    Why do you suppose our chocolate tastes better?
    Love the pictures, it was great talking to the both of you, I may be ok for another week or so.

  2. The chocolate from the cocoa plantation was DELICIOUS. That's not the stuff you buy at the supermarket, though. I don't know why that's so bad. Maybe all of their native cocoa beans get exported.
