Saturday, September 11, 2010

Belated. Sorry.

It's been a crazy week. And it doesn't look like it's going to let up. I should be going to bed because I have to get up to play for church tomorrow morning, but I needed to post.

The biggest event has been the party on Friday. The teachers will often throw parties for everyone else at their house on Friday after school. This week was especially appropriate for a party considering Saturday was Lisette's birthday. Andrew and I volunteered to host and had so much fun. We made a ton of food. I made tostones (fried plantains) with a dip made of mayo, ketchup, and garlic and queso frito (fried cheese, a lot like cheese curds). Amy and Beth made fresh salsa (it was different, because of different tomatoes and spicier peppers), and Andrew made onion rings, quesadillas, and birthday cake. People brought beer, rum, and wine, there was music and dancing, and everyone had a blast. We are still cleaning up.

The best part of the evening came at the end. Keith stayed late, and Lisette stayed until the end. It was about midnight when she was going home, and she was going to give Amy and I a ride to the girl's apartment. We got outside and found that she was parked in. She had taken someone's parking spot, and they either were big enough jerks to want to teach her a lesson, or they were too drunk to care since there were several available parking spots all over. Either way, the night continued until 1:00am with Lisette, Keith, Andrew, Amy, and I standing outside the apartment setting off Lisette's alarm, trying to get the other guy's alarm to go off, and knocking on his door. It was ridiculous. Like I said, either the guy was an absolute jerk or totally wasted (probably the first one) because it took them forever to come to the window, let alone outside, let alone with keys to move the car, and even then only after Keith pounded constantly on their door as hard as he could for several minutes straight. It was so ridiculous. Dominicans are not like this. They are usually the most generous people. This guy was more what I would expect in a big city in America. The best part is, Andrew and I get to live in the same building as him.

Okay, that's all I have strength for tonight. More tomorrow, I promise. Have a blessed Sunday, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Party, party party, in the DR. Sounds like you are having way too much fun. What ever happened to "teacher bedtime"? Things are still going pretty good here, maybe we can talk tonight.
