Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Diagnosis, please?

This one especially goes out to those retired nurses and nursing students in the audience. (you know who you are)

So, under my right eye was extremely tender today. I mentioned it to Amy and she pointed out that the bottom edge is red and puffy. We're thinking maybe a tear duct infection? I think that just means I need some antibiotic?

On a happier note, I realized just minutes ago that tomorrow is Thursday and not Wednesday like I thought. Isn't that happy?


  1. I am not the medical professional you were looking for, but at times, of course, I think I am better. It sounds to me like a stye. Google it and see if it makes sense. It can be very tender and annoying, but should go away on its own.
    I have been getting requests for your address. A good mom would have that already. I am a little off my game. Could you pass it along?

  2. Post a picture of it, Steve. It might help to identify it.
    Uncle Bob

  3. I agree post a picture, but I wouldn't wait too long to seek medical attention.

  4. One other thing..keep your hands off of your eye. Make sure your hands are very clean before touching them.

  5. Hi Steve, I think your mom is right. It is most likely a stye which is a little inflamed oil gland. Pretty much all you need to do is not touch it and apply warm compresses. (I'm not a medical professional yet by any means, but I am in my second year of medical school so I'll be a doctor in another two and half years :P )
