Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I know I promised a post last week, so I am very sorry. To give an adequate excuse, I will honestly say that both Amy and I have been sick. Over the weekend we both contracted our own version of this nasty cold. All the Dominicans call it "el gripe," but it's just a hardcore cold with sinus congestion, sore throat, coughing, enlarged lymph nodes, and exhaustion to go along with it. On the plus side, yesterday Amy bought this medicine from the pharmacy that had a decongestant, pain reliever, and all sorts of fun things in it. It was a powder you dissolve in hot water and drink like tea. Ours was limon flavored and quite delicious. Why has the US not figured out how to make delicious medicine? We were both pretty wary, since Dominican over the counter drugs tend to be stronger than American versions. Amy didn't like the effects that much, but I didn't notice anything negative. Of course, I mostly just slept, so I don't know if my opinion is that credible. I'm feeling much better today, but Amy missed school. Hopefully that means she will have recovered significantly throughout her day off.

School is getting crazy. Our semester is almost over. Exams start next week. Which means we have to have all of our subject matter taught by the end of tomorrow. And all of our exams in by Thursday. And study guides for the kids by at least next Monday. Grades are also due next Tuesday. So we need to track down missing assignments. Tomorrow we celebrate Thanksgiving at school, which comes with its own set of craziness. We also are rehearsing for the Christmas program. And the kids haven't had a break since Columbus Day, and the weather is changing, and it was a full moon, and they are ready to be done, so they're all crazy, too.

I suppose our illness isn't much of a surprise, considering.

But Thursday is a half-day in-service day, and then we will be hosted by a student's family for Thanksgiving dinner. And then, LONG WEEKEND!!! AT LONG LAST!!! Those of you in the states, you don't know how lucky you are to have mid-term break.


  1. What is the Thanksgiving celebration in the DR? I'm assuming they aren't celebrating the Pilgrims coming to America, or are they?

  2. Since this is a bilingual school, we are celebrating it as an American holiday. Dominicans don't really celebrate it unless they have lived in America.

  3. I hope you both get over your colds very soon. It is going around here in MN right now too. I was wondering what they celebrate for Thanksgiving too, but you answered that above. Have a nice Thanksgiving. I'll see you in about 6 weeks! I can't wait!
