Wednesday, August 4, 2010

DR Homecooking: Attempt #1

Breakfast: pancakes (okay, american) with mangoes and JUGO DE CHINOLA!!!

Today at school was actually pretty uneventful. We got a bunch of prep time in the morning which was nice. I'm looking through all of my text books and trying to do a little long-term planning. It's hard, since we haven't been given calendars yet, but we should get those tomorrow. I looked at my language arts books, and realized that I hate my basal.

*for those of you without a teaching degree, a basal is a reading textbook with a variety of short stories, excerpts of larger works, and mini-lessons*

I'm basically going to scrap most of the literature in it and pick and choose which mini-lessons fit with what I'm doing in other classes. I hope that's okay. Unlike American schools, at St. David, the parents actually buy the books for their children, and they don't like it if they buy a book that the teacher doesn't use.
*cough* any *cough* professors reading this *cough* might consider a *cough* similar policy *cough*

We had a meeting with Jeanette, one of our bosses, and she talked to us about using cooperative learning, and having centers and group work in our classes. Review.

And then more prep work. So I have a good idea of the basic outline of my curriculum now. Yay!

I was going to write more about the adventures Amy and I had today while attempting to cook authentic Dominican cuisine, but I got interrupted in my post by a Skype date with my mom, and not it's past teacher bedtime. So, my apologies to all of my devoted readers. More tomorrow, I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I also approve *cough* of this *cough* buying the books you like *cough* rather than buying the ones *cough* recommended. ~ Laura
