Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Real Teacher

Well, I'm alive.

Okay, it was better than that. My kids are great. I have 23, 21 were there today, and 3 of them are new students. Most of them have pretty good English. There is one student who understands and speaks very little, so I'm going to have to make sure no one translates for him too much, or he'll never learn. They started out behaving really well, but got squirrel-ier the second half of the day. I'll have to watch for it and keep it in check.

Management is easy right now, since I'm riding the novelty wave, but I'm trying to set things up so it'll be easier when that wears off. I did have to pull out the teacher voice today. It was a really nice kid who was getting way too chatty, so I hope pulling it out one this early will do the trick. (hahahahahahahahaha, I can hope)

I also started my Music/Drama class today. It's an elective for 5-8 and 9-12. Right now, we are in a preliminary kind of stage with the arts electives, where each grade gets 3 weeks with each elective before deciding on one for the rest of the year. I'm starting with my class, so I got to do some singing and acting games with them. They can sing a unison note, which honestly, I wasn't sure if that was going to happen. I tried teaching them a simple 2-part warm-up that really didn't happen. Some of them understood, but mostly it would start out two part for one note, and then turn into one part. Oh well. I have two more weeks. But I think they had fun. So we'll see.

Well, I need to get some work done on my lesson plans for the following weeks, and get some sleep. I'm wiped out. Ugh. Good night everybody.


    I want you to promise me that you will NOT use your "male teacherness" to scare good behavior into these children!

  2. 23 kids! Yikes! I know that's not a large class in some cases, but it would scare me. I'd rather be with the blood and guts stuff that I used to handle. Praise the Lord for teachers like you.

  3. Sounds like fun Steve! I have to admit that I'm a little jealous that you're teaching an arts class. Here I am teaching a class of two preschoolers instead of using my theatre degree. You lucky bum! ;) I'm glad to hear all about your new adventures in the teaching world!
