Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Roach Story: The Final Chapter?

I remember what I forgot about this weekend. We saw the conclusion of the cockroach saga. While using the facilities at Amy's apartment, I saw the beast. He was between the toilet and the sink. He's a big monster, a good 2 inches long not counting antennae. I couldn't get at him where he was, so I grabbed the wastebasket and waved it at him menacingly. He scurried away, but further under the toilet and out reach. So I waved the wastebasket closer, he scurried to the other side of the toilet, but next to the bathtub, still out of reach. This game continued for a few moments, until he made the fatal mistake of scurrying out from the safety of the toilet and into the open floor of the bathroom. I acted fast. It only took a few quick crunches from the wastebasket and all that remained of Mr. Roach was a crushed thorax, a few stray bits of leg, and a twitching antenna. Don't worry, there are pictures on the way.

PS For those of you confused on this one point, I had finished my business before the game of cat and mouse had begun.


  1. So proud of you! Just like your dad, the protector. However, I still would never use that bathroom again. There are more lurking, I just know it.
    I am so glad you went to church. How long did it take to get there?
    Jonathan saved Aunt Cliss bugs (dead) from Arizona, ones that bit him!
    So, if you see anything we don't have here, make sure to kill it gently and save it for Cliss. Just writing that makes my skin crawl. Have a great week! Love to you both

  2. Hail the conquering hero! I'm so glad you are there to help protect Amy from those nasty things. They are too crunchy and fast for me.

  3. Wow!! What a hero protecting Amy!! I'm sure that her & her roommates were very appreciative. Glad to hear that you are having such a great time in the DR. Keep up the great work & keep up the great posts!!
