Monday, August 30, 2010

Rodney and Patrice

Across the street from the apartment where the girls live, there is this house. It has a garage, and every night as I am walking home, I am greeted by two large dogs atop this garage. Like, on the roof. One's a German shepherd and one is some big puffy dog. It's such a comical sight when they are staring you down from their lofty perch, Andrew and I decided we had to name them. Rodney and Patrice.

On a side note, for those of you who are counting, today was mine and Amy's one year. So that was exciting. :)


  1. You have had one busy year! All good!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS to you and my beautiful niece, AMY> :<)

  3. I understand that you & Andrew named the neighbor dogs, but I'm wondering if you've had any conversations with them... haha

    Congratulations on your one year with Amy.

  4. Congratulations!! You two are such a wonderful couple. Grandpa and I are so happy for you both.
